Visting Hours
Visting Hours The school would like parents to maintain a close rapport with their wards teachers and meet them periodically.The Principal and teachers will make every effort to make themselves available to meet parents on request,at mutually convenient times on working days,by prior appointment.Parents should please call up the school in advanve to ask for an appointment and visit the school only after they have been given a confirmed time and date.
Visting Hours: Principal: 10:00a.m – 12noon
P.T.Ms. are held on every 2nd Saturday to facilitate discussions between parents and teachers on the child’s progress.Parents can come to meet their ward’s teachers on P.T.M. days and must be punctual,as per the schedule below.Please note that it is mandatory for parents to attend the P.T.M. Children must accompany their parents for the P.T.M.,dressed in school uniform and wear their I-Card.